Your baby won’t arrive with an instruction manual so we are here to help support and prepare families for welcoming their newborn. This course will provide families with essential information and skills to become more comfortable and confident in how to care for a new baby.
What the Heck is Sleep Shaping?
Sleep shaping is where you gently set your child up for positive sleep habits over a period of time. This includes all factors that supports an infant falling to sleep and staying asleep.
Our Safe Placenta Encapsulation Processes
Celebrities like Kim Kardashian, January Jones, Gaby Hoffman, and Alicia Silverstone have been consuming their placentas, and as a result, this previously underground practice has become all the rage for trendy new moms. Not only are thousands of women across Canada choosing to have their placenta made into capsules, but they're also raving about the benefits they've experienced!
Charity Exclusive by AppleCheeks Supports Reproductive Mental Health at Lois Hole Hospital
An amazing Canadian company, a fabulous Alberta retailer and a local charity exclusive! AppleCheeks and retailer Baby Footprint have released the "Imprint" series in support of the Lois Hole Hospital for Women's Perinatal Bereavement Program and the Reproductive Mental Health programs.
Infant Feeding - A Fathers Perspective
Breastfeeding vs. formula can be a contentious issue for many people. As a father and husband I will never understand why this is such an issue. I’m a father to three amazing children and there was always one question by health practitioners that rubbed me the wrong way. “Are you planning on breastfeeding?”