Glass of water and placenta pills on a table

Investment: Placenta Encapsulation Services

Doula care can be combined with placenta encapsulation services to create a custom package to meet the unique needs of your family. Contact us to build your plan!


  • Personally made capsules

  • Cord Keepsake

  • A mini postpartum doula visit (at time of service)

$300 (+gst)


  • Personally made capsules

  • Placenta Tincture

  • Cord Keepsake

  • A mini postpartum doula visit (at time of service)

$335 (+gst)

Just placenta curious? We'd love to answer your questions about placenta encapsulation.

Connect with us through our contact form or call/text our office for more information.

We are not taking bookings for encapsulation clients until 3mths before EDD