Meet April!

With a thirst for knowledge and a determination for excellence, April approaches doula work with her client’s needs at the forefront of her mind. Knowing that each client has a unique set of circumstances and wishes, April holds herself, and her team to the exceptional standard that continuing education is a must.


April’s work as a doula began when a pregnant friend who was visiting unexpectedly went into labor. She birthed her baby surprisingly quickly, and April was the only one present when the little one was born. The friend raved about April’s support and began telling anyone who would listen that April should become a doula because she never could have done it without her support.


April began researching how to become a doula. The more she learned, the more passionate she grew! Her extensive doula training includes the following:


·         ProDoula - Labour/Birth (2016) - Certified

·         ProDoula - Postpartum & Infant Care (2016) - Certified

·         ProDoula - Postpartum Placenta Specialist

·         ProDoula - VBAC Specialist course - Certified

·         Spinning Babies workshop

·         Breastfeeding Essentials Course for Birth Professionals (Fiona Lang-Sharp, CERPS allocated by IBLCE)

·         Healing After Birth - Trauma Informed Care (Jennifer Summerfeldt)

·         Gender & Sexuality Diversity Training for Birth Workers (Tharseo Counselling) (2021)

·         Standard First Aid


April encourages pregnant families to find a medical provider that they trust and feel comfortable with. She reminds them that each birth experience is a unique journey and that they should explore and understand the choices available to them. Ultimately, she wants each family she serves to feel empowered by the decisions they make for themselves and their babies.


April was proud to be nominated, and featured on Virgin Radio's "Woman A Day" segment, but according to her, her greatest accomplishment is in raising her three incredible children; 11 year old, Ariya, 8 year old, Kaiyah, and 5 year old Ezrah!


April is active in her community which involves the following:


·       Board member of her Fraternity Alumnae Association, Edmonton Area Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta

·       Board member of Parent Council, Elmwood Elementary School

·       Member of the Doula Association of Edmonton

·       Member of the Doula Association of Alberta

·       Edmonton Zone Liaison for Doula Association of Alberta


April’s biggest supporter is her husband of 14 years, Sacha! Together they love to watch movies and spend time outdoors with the family. 3 Year old Bernedoodle, Sadie looks forward to every moment of that outdoor family fun!